Great photo from rider Dave Sorensen…
“Hey guys. I live in CRR and work in Bend. I finally made it by your showroom to watch the tire change demo and check out your gear as I was prepping for the LaB2V ride Thanksgiving weekend. Picked up the Tail Rack and Possibles Pouch during your sale as it looked like the lightest and most durable set up for the event and suited my riding style the best. I was not disappointed!
I lost my rear light assembly and license plate in a deep road lake I charged through on day one as I attempted to get back on course, pouch and rack stayed solid as I would have expected.
I saw a lot of people with GL products over the two day ride, obviously it speaks well of your products in the moto community.
Thankfully I didn’t have to change a flat and had probably one of the best rides of my life thus far! Unusual weather, wet soil and good company made for some epic conditions. Glad I picked up some of your gear to keep the weight off my body and secure. Perhaps we’ll cross paths on the central Oregon trails in the future. Until then keep braaping in whatever environment you find yourselves. Thanks for the great products.”
Cheers, Dave Sorensen
Sweet photo Dave. I remember talking to you about this years LaB2V as I used to live down there. I can’t believe the weather this year, deep snow is like a once every 10 year event. I was actually riding down there mid-december and all that snow made for perfect dirt, just like in Central Oregon. I’m sure we will cross paths out on the trails soon enough, right now I’m trying to ride every weekend. Thanks for the email!