“The idea of riding a motorcycle around the world presents enough challenges for the average rider, there’s border crossings, break downs, logistics, and so many other things to consider. But add to those challenges running a business while you’re on the road, raising funds for a charity you really care about, bringing a 75 pound German Shepherd with you, and fitting everything you need for work, your dog and camping on your bikes. These are some of the things Jess and Greg Stone have been dealing with but they’re having the time of their lives doing it. Now, it’s not always sunshine and roses, they’ve already had their share of troubles, but there isn’t anything going to stop them from riding around the world. Jim talks to Jess and Greg about how they do it, their outlook and we hear some amusing stories of things that have happened to them since they left Guatemala a few months ago.” — Adventure Rider Radio
“I used my Giant Loop Diablo Tank Bag for years and absolutely loved it. The Giant Loop Fandango Tank Bag is exactly the same as what I know and love but it has 2 extra liters of storage? So, no decision to make: Yes please!” — Jess Stone
Giant Loop is a proud sponsor of Jess Stone and GoRUFFLY around the world motorcycle travel adventure with a large dog for the global nonprofit Girl Up to raise $100k for girls’ empowerment. Jess hopes this world adventure will inspire girls to dream big and persist to achieve their own goals. The world journey began at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on March 5, 2022…
RUFFLY.com builds ethical outdoor dog gear that does good, goes everywhere and looks amazing to help you live extraordinary together. Author Jess Stone and her dog Moxie travel throughout the world from their home in Lake Atitlan Guatemala…
Follow their travel adventures on 2 Wheels + 4 Paws and donate now – or shop RUFFLY ethical outdoor dog gear. Also Visit RUFFLY on YouTube for lots of great videos!
Thanks for riding with Giant Loop Jess!
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