Our Canadian YouTube guys over at The Adventure Bike Gathering have been including Giant Loop in their amazing motorcycle videos posted at Dirt Chimps – Adventure Bikes. This one from a recent trip features our MoJavi Saddlebags, Pronghorn Straps and Possibles Pouch fitted to Husqvarna 501s as they explore the stunningly beautiful mountains in Invermere…
“We take the 501 Adventure Bikes to Invermere to explore some mountains routes. This is exactly what we built these bikes up for, so let’s go have some fun!” — The Adventure Bike Gathering, Dirt Chimps – Adventure Bikes
Loved that video guys — thank you for sharing and big thanks for riding with Giant Loop!
The Adventure Bike Gathering has lots more to see — go to Dirt Chimps – Adventure Bikes YouTube Channel for lots more excellent videos…
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