“Did you ever read the children’s book “Caps for Sale”? There’s this peddler who piles caps on his head and roams the village, shouting “Caps for sale! Caps for sale!” After a tough morning, he rests against a tree – and a gang of monkeys runs up the branches with all his caps. I usually love monkeys but damn those thieving monkey bastards! Obviously, I identify a bit too closely with the cap-peddler. But can you blame me? I’m a small business owner just like the peddler, balancing all those caps. Setting off on a big journey is a lot like that too. You think it takes mad skills to balance caps as you shuffle around a village? Try doing it on a motorcycle helmet while riding with a German shepherd as you accelerate through Baja sand! Often, it’s a thrill. There’s no growing bored when your job title changes by the minute: cold calling potential sponsors, editing the weekly episode, designing a new Cockpit. Nor is there rest for the weary traveler when you’re the rider, navigator, mechanic, booking agent, and dog watcher. They say: “It builds character.” I’m so neck-deep in all this character-building shit that I’ll punch anyone in the nose who says it. Go on, I dare you! It certainly gives you an appreciation for gear that helps you doubly or triply by doing multiple jobs…”
“As a case in point, our Giant Loop Tillamook Dry Bags. This Batman-level luggage has many other superhero identities as well. At a wild campsite in Copper Canyon, Greg slung an empty Tillamook over his shoulders, and disappeared into the forest to collect firewood. Against the blasting Mojave winds during RevZilla and RawHyde Adventures ADV Fest, the Giant Loop Tillamooks became emergency sandbags to hold down our canopy. Facing equally fierce gusts in the Los Padres Mountains, we positioned our motorcycles up wind of the tent with Tillamooks between the wheels to create a wind-block. My job might not involve wandering the village shouting, ‘Caps for sale! Caps for sale!’ But I can tell you one thing for certain: If those fucking monkeys ever come for my Tillamooks…” — Jess Stone, @goruffly
RUFFLY.com builds ethical outdoor dog gear that does good, goes everywhere and looks amazing to help you live extraordinary together. Author Jess Stone and her 75lb dog Moxie travel throughout the world from their home in Lake Atitlan Guatemala. Donate now – or shop RUFFLY ethical outdoor dog gear…
Giant Loop is a proud sponsor of Jess Stone and GoRUFFLY around the world motorcycle travel adventure with a large dog for the global nonprofit Girl Up to raise $100k for girls’ empowerment. Jess hopes this world adventure will inspire girls to dream big and persist to achieve their own goals. The world journey began at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on March 5, 2022…
Visit RUFFLY on YouTube for lots of great videos!
Thanks for riding with Giant Loop Jess…