BMW GS650 – Fandango Tank Bag Pro and Pannier Pockets
Customer, Dave, stopped in today to show us how his Giant Loop Pannier Pockets and Fandango Tank Bag Pro fit on his BMW GS650. You can see how the pockets fit nicely in a horizontal position on the bike’s large side fairing. Pannier Pockets can be integrated into all of our tank bag systems and come included with the Buckin’ Roll Tank Bag set up. The tank bag harness anchor straps fit underneath the seat and attach to the frame. The Fandango, at 8L capacity is a nice size for the medium sized touring bike.
- BMWGS650 with Fandango Tank Bag and side Pannier Pockets
- BMWGS650 with side Pannier Pockets
- BMWGS650 with Tank Bag Harness.