The 2022 Giant Loop Ride registration is now open — and you can go for FREE! The 2021 GL Ride was our biggest and best ever and we are beyond excited to announce that we’re planning an even bigger and better event for 2022! The Annual Ride in 2022 registration is now open. June 3-5, 2022. Spaces are limited, so sign up early to guarantee yourself a spot at this year’s ride…
“All purchases in January 2022 will be entered to win free admission to this year’s Giant Loop Ride! Don’t miss out on your chance to win free registration. We hope to see you there!” — Ben, Giant Loop
Watch our social channels for event updates, great photos and videos too — follow GL on Instagram and visit our YouTube Channel. Giant Loop also has Instagram feeds from Denmark and Chile!
Shop all GL Products and check out our latest Specials…