He made it, around-the-world!!!
“After 139,870K through 51 different countries on 6 continents over three and a half years — yesterday I finally made it to Bluff, the end of my journey. I hadn’t planned on going there yesterday, but after seeing rain was forecast I decided to head to Invercargill and before I knew it — I was doing a wheelie on the beach. It seems appropriate because this is how my “Forrest Gump” type journey has been mostly, which is unplanned and taking it day by day. I never set out to ride around the world. After Oregon, I decided Alaska was a better ending point. And then, for whatever reasons I thought I’ll turn around and ride it back home to New Zealand. A big thanks to Harold Olaf Cecil at Giant Loop, Dave at Adventure-Spec, and MotoZ Tires who have supported me with gear. But especially, I would like to thank all of you who have either been following my journey on Facebook, opened your home to me or I’ve met in person. I’ve been humbled and grateful for all the kindness I’ve experienced along the way and it’s given me faith in humanity, which is one of the awesome things about traveling. So no matter what journey you have in mind, just go do it and experience the kindness out there waiting for you.” — Aaron Steinmann (photos by Burt Munro)
Words can not express how amazing it is to be a part of this… Thanks, Aaron
On to the next loop!!!