Sneak Preview: 2nd Annual Giant Loop Garage Sale, Tomorrow, November 12, 9-Noon, Bend, Oregon
2nd Annual Giant Loop Garage Sale, Tomorrow, November 12, 9-Noon, Bend, Oregon! Come by our shop for deals and steals on demos, blems, reconditioned, samples, closeouts and other motorcycle, snowmobile, snow bike, outdoors, paddlesports, mountain bike, ATV/UTV, 4×4 gear – all at fantastic prices. Plus, we’ll have a drawing for a Giant Loop Zigzag Handlebar Bag. Thanks – and see you there!! Come by our shop for deals and steals on demos, blems, reconditioned, samples, closeouts and other motorcycle, snowmobile, snow bike, outdoors, paddlesports, mountain bike, ATV/UTV, 4×4 gear – all at fantastic prices. Plus, we’ll have a drawing for a Giant Loop Zigzag Handlebar Bag. Coffee and tea on us – see you there!
Stuff sacks, dry bags, tank bags, saddlebags, panniers, heat shields, motorcycle parts, blems, demos, NOS, reconditions, displays, closeouts – all at prices to reward our local customers and friends. See you tomorrow, November 12, 9am-Noon at our new showroom space #6 at 63025 O. B. Riley Road – just north of Sawyer Park. Coffee and tea on the house.