Not just another camping gear store is right! Moto Camp Nerd has sponsored Friday night dinner at the Giant Loop Annual Ride. MCN is a new Giant Loop dealer and their expertise is showing how camping gear fits into motorcycle luggage like Giant Loop…
“Not just another camping gear store. Moto Camp Nerd is owned and operated by motorcycle campers like yourself. We are focused strictly on the motorcycle community and only stock compact camping gear made to save space on motorcycle camping trips. You can shop with confidence knowing we have already pre-screened and cherry picked compact gear from top of line brands. We put a size limit on camping gear dimensions at 12 inches, with the exception of tents and chairs. Sleeping bags, pads, pillows, towels, are all under 12 inches.” — Moto Camp Nerd
Excellent — so excited to have MCN joining us for the Annual Ride!
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