Check out these great photos sent to Giant Loop by Washington based customer Cole of the Diablo Tank Bag, Klamath Tail Rack Pack and MotoTrekk Panniers on his Royal Enfield Himalayan…
“I get asked about the Himalayan very often. Your gear fits well. Thanks!” — Cole Coleman, Burlington WA
Nice looking bike, Cole — thanks for sending us the photos!
Plus, heads up — Royal Enfield is scheduled to attend the 2022 Giant Loop Ride in June with demo Himalyans! Many Giant Loop customers and friends have taken adventures on this terrific bike…
Thank you to all the riders all over the world who send in photos and videos. Giant Loop is always ready for adventure. We love seeing great rider photos from all over the world — reach out to us, drop a line, stay in the loop…
Watch our social channels for event updates, great photos and videos too — follow GL on Instagram and visit our YouTube Channel. Giant Loop also has Instagram feeds from Denmark and Chile!
Shop all GL Products and check out our November Specials…