Some sweet photos of a soggy session in Oregon Backcountry mud, sent to us by customer Dave who rides his KTM sporting Giant Loop MoJavi Saddlebags, a First Aid Possibles Pouch and a pair of Pronghorn Straps…
“My rack in combination with my Giant Loop MoJavi Saddlebags for short trips and my Coyote Saddlebags for long outings travel well together. Go light, go fast, go far. Peace!” — Dave E., Oregon
Thanks for the great photos Dave — looks fun out there!
Stay in the loop — follow GL on Instagram and visit our YouTube Channel…
It’s official: The 10th Annual Giant Loop Ride will be even more incredible than ever. Come demo ride the new Harley-Davidson at the 10th Annual Giant Loop Ride — June 4-6, 2021. The Annual Giant Loop Ride is Oregon’s largest dual sport adventure motorcycle rally taking place in the high desert, based out of beautiful Crane Hot Springs. We already have more than 150 riders signed up and over 20 vendors participating. We may have to cap registrations, so reserve your spot today!
Check out our March specials…