How great is it to have a professional on hand to take excellent photos of the big event. Check out these great images taken by photographer Greg Samborski! He really captured the Giant Loop Annual Ride 2022 from all angles. Notice all the smiles — we love to see it!
“Giant Loop! That was a GREAT event. It has been a wild couple of weeks between riding back through the BDRs and Christmas Valley Sand Dunes on my rented T7 to having my freshly rebuilt 500 EXC stolen same day I got it together and recovered again in less than 4 hours thanks to our amazing riding community. It was such a feel good story it got the front page of our local news paper! I can’t wait to get my 500 all setup for Moto camping adventures again so I can capture a bunch of new content for you. Hope you two are well and have a great week.” – Greg
Thanks for getting the job done Greg, we love your style — fantastic photos! Reminds us of all the great experiences we had that weekend and all the good times spent with our favorite people. We’ll see everybody next year, for number twelve — June 1-4, 2023. Even bigger and better…
Giant Loop community — stay tuned for lots more photos by Greg!
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