Big Congratulations to the WLF family and friends for getting the job done and transforming Mission 5 into a magical experience…
“Yo Giant Loop WLFam! WE cant thank you all at the Giant Loop family for making M5 one of the most memorable ones ever. These vets left with something greater than just a product, they left with a story and memories that will be with them WLForever. It’s official, MISSION 5 is Complete. W.E. THANK YOU!
The MISSION began and remains the same over the years, to thank the men and women that serve(ed) in our military. M5 couldn’t have gone off in a better fashion. Drink drank, food ate, stories shared and trails RIPPED! To the @theoutpostbigbear THANK YOU, for all the hospitality. To @husqvarnamotorcyclesusa for bringing the best bikes on the planet to shred the trails, THANK YOU. Can’t believe its been 5 years and already counting down the days till M6! W.E. Thank You for supporting the MISSION, Thank a Veteran for their service.” — WLF Enduro
Thanks WLF –looking forward to many more!
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